Saturday, August 25, 2012

Thrifting! For the win!

Dear millions of lovely readers,

We come to you this August from the sweltering campus of Northern Iowa, back from a day's haul of Thrifting Fun Times, sharing our lives with you.

Setting: Dana's dorm room

Dana and Kelly are sitting among a pile of clothes and random Goodwill finds.
Dana turns to Kelly.

Dana: Hey. Let's start a blog.
Kelly: YES.

So here we are.

While Kelly makes the blog, Dana dresses up pandas.

Dana: This is fun. He looks so foxy right now. Or she.
            This one looks like a... a... rodent.
            Now I know how those crazy Cabbage Patch people feel.

Kelly: I shall call him "Hans." And he shall be Swedish. And he shall be my Swedish Three-Legged Cat Necklace. 

Our mascot. The three-legged cat necklace named Hans.

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