Saturday, September 1, 2012

DIY: Fix Your Boring Magnets

If you are really quite bored, and need an easy, fun, useless, and random crafting idea try sprucing up your fridge magnets (it'll be great):
First off there are those random and usually geometric magnets, of which you don't really know where they came from, like this pinkish-redish one to the left in the photo.  You could try covering those magnets with fabric, just with hot glue; you could also Modge-Podge it with magazine pages.  Just do something interesting with it:

Then there are those magnets that you got from going to that one thing in a packet with a bunch of other random things...I love my University but I think this magnet could be more interesting.  

 Again, chose random crafty things and put them all together ontop of the magnet with glue-sticks, hot-glue, and modge-podge, all of it until it comes out interesting

Or you could altogether just make a magnet.  On the back of this mouse trap I glued some magnets...

 Then I glued a bunch of random stuff on the front.  Why a mouse-trap? Because you can use the bar-spring to hold larger amounts of pages if necessary for some reason.  (Note: Also if you can't tell, I was studying Dada in school at the time this was made and I think it shows!)

 And there's a whole new thought for the day!

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